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Test & Collection Guide

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Test nameAlternative names:
LactateLactic Acid

Lactate dehydrogenaseLD, LDH


LaxativesUrinary Laxatives


Legionella culture
Legionella PCRLegionella NAD

Legionella Urinary AntigenLegionella Urine Ag

Leishmania spp (donovan) serology
Leptospira PCRLeptospirosis

Leptospira serologyLeptospirosis

Leucocyte ImmunophenotypingCell Surface Markers, FACS Analysis, Flow Cytometry, Immunophenotyping

Leucocyte Lysomal Enzyme AnalysisWhite Cell Enzymes


Light Chains - SerumFLC, Free light chains

LinezolidLinevox, Zyvox

Lipid StudiesLipids

Lipoprotein Electrophoresis
Listeria cultureListeria, Listeriosis

Listeria Serology
LithiumLi, Lithicarb

Liver Function TestsLFT

Lupus Anticoagulant ScreenLA, LAC

Luteinising HormoneLH

Lyme Disease SerologyBorrelia burgdorferi serology, Lyme Disease

Lymph node biopsy
Lymphocyte subsetsCD19 count, CD3 count, CD4 count, CD4:CD8 ratio, CD56 count, CD8 count, flow cytometry


Pathology Handbook

Test & Collection Guide


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