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Test & Collection Guide

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Test nameAlternative names:

Vanillylmandelic Acid - UrineHMMA, MHMA, VMA

Varicella Zoster PCRHSV I-II, VZV and CMV NAD, VZV PCR

Varicella Zoster SerologyVZV Serology

Vasoactive Intestinal PeptideVIP

Very Long Chain Fatty AcidsVLCFA

ViscositySerum Viscosity

Vitamin Abeta carotene, Carotene

Vitamin B1Thiamine

Vitamin B12Cyanocobalamin

Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6Pyridoxine

Vitamin CAscorbate, Ascorbic Acid

Vitamin D Metabolites25 Hydroxy Vitamin D3, 25(OH) Vitamin D, Vit D

Vitamin ETocopherol

Voltage Gated Calcium Channel AntibodiesCalcium Channel Ab, VGCC, Voltage gated Ca 2+

Voltage Gated Potassium Channel AntibodiesAnti VGKC, Potassium Channel Antibodies, VGKC, Voltage gated K+

Von Willebrand Multimeric analysisVWF multimers

von Willebrand ScreenvWD Assay, vWD Screen, vWF


vWF Activty

Pathology Handbook

Test & Collection Guide


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