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Test & Collection Guide

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Test nameAlternative names:
E.coli detection/typingEnterohaemorrhagic E.coli (EHEC) detection/typing, Enteropathogenic E.coli (EPEC) detection/typing

Ebola virus PCRMiscellaneous NAD (mention Ebola Virus NAD in the order comment in EMR)

EBV PCREBV NAD, Epstein Barr Virus NAD, Epstein-Barr virus PCR

EBV SerologyEBV Ab, Epstein Barr Virus Serology

EBV Viral loadEBV Quantitation, EBV Viral load, Epstein Barr Virus Viral Load

ElectrolytesECU, EL, ELEC, EUC, U&E

Electron Microscopy-HistoElectron Microscopy, EM

Enterovirus PCRCoxsackie virus PCR, Echovirus PCR, Enterovirus NAD, Poliovirus PCR

Equine Morbillivirus PCREMV PCR, Hendra Virus PCR, Miscellaneous NAD

Equine Morbillivirus serologyEMV serology, Hendra Virus serology

Erythrocyte Sedimentation RateESR


Estimated Gomerular Filtration RateeGFR

EthanolAlcohol, ETOH

Ethyl GlucuronideETG, uETG, Urine Ethanol

Euglobulin Clot Lysis TimeEuglobulin Lysis Test

Extractable Nuclear AntigensENA

Pathology Handbook

Test & Collection Guide


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