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Test & Collection Guide

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Test nameAlternative names:
Rabies PCRABVL, australian bat lyssavirus, lyssavirus, Rabies virus NAD

RASTAllergy IgE Antibodies, Allergy testing, Specific IgE Testing For Allergens. SIgE

Red Blood Cell MagnesiumRBC Magnesium

Red Cell Antigen GenotypingffDNA, Genotyping, NIPA

Red Cell Ferritin
Red Cell FolateRCF

Red Cell Transketolase
Renal BiopsyKidney Biopsy EM IF

Renal Transplant Donor - Screening Tests
Renal Transplant Recipient - Screening Tests
Renin - plasma
Respiratory Virus PCRInfluenza NAD, Respiratory Viral NAD, RSV NAD

Respiratory Virus PCR - Extendedextended respiratory panel, respiratory multiplex

Reverse FT3
Rheumatoid FactorRF

Rickettsia spp. Screen SerologyScrub Typhus Serology, Spotted Fever Serology, Typhus Serology

Ristocetin Co-Factor assayRICOF, vWF:Act, vWF:Activity

Rivaroxaban LevelAnti-10a, Rivaroxaban level

Ross River Virus SerologyRRV Serology

Rubella Serology
Rubella virus PCR

Pathology Handbook

Test & Collection Guide


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