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Test & Collection Guide

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Test nameAlternative names:
Urate - BloodSUA, UA, Uric Acid

Urate - UrineUric acid-urine

Urea - BloodBUN, UR, Ur

Urea - Urine
Urea Breath Test
Ureaplasma culture
Urinary Streptococcal AntigenPneumococcal urinary antigen, Strep. Ag., Strep. antigen, Strep.pneumoniae antigen, Urinary streptococcal antigen

Urine ArsenicArsenic Urine

Urine CatecholaminesAdrenaline, Catecholamines, Dopamine, Noradrenaline

This test is currently being reviewed
For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:
Urine Cobalt
Urine for CytologyCSU, MSU, Urine cytology, Urine eosinophils, Urine haemosiderin, Urine x 3

Urine for SchistosomesSchistosomiasis Urine

Urine Histamine
Urine IodineIodine urine

Urine LeadLead Urine

Urine metabolic screenAmino Acid Screen, Metabolic screen

Urine microscopy and cultureCSU, EMR test name-Culture Urine, MSU, SPA, UMC, urine, Urine MC&S

Urine Nickel
Urine Protein ElectrophoresisBence Jones Protein, BJP, UEPG

Urine Thallium

Pathology Handbook

Test & Collection Guide


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