Samples must be marked 'URGENT', must reach the laboratory as soon as possible.
All out-of-hours testing requires notification.
Time and date of collection must be recorded on request form.
Whole blood - 1 x EDTA sample, do not spin. Store at room temperature. An FBE and BLOOD FILM must also be requested, and needs a separate EDTA sample.
Bone marrow aspirate - Sample into EDTA tube
Tissue - Fresh (if to be shared with other departments for other tests eg. Histopathology or Microbiology) or RPMI fluid (especially if specimen is taken out of hours). This fluid is obtainable from: BH Lab 9895 3884, MH Lab: 9871 3572 or AH Lab: 9764 6136.
CSF/other fluids
Depending on the tests requested, 3-4 separate tubes will need to be provided. Note that the tubes are numbered so that order of collection can be identified – this order should be carefully followed, so that the optimal sample can be used for the requested tests. It is also important to consider the tests that are required, as this will determine how much CSF is needed in each tube. See the matrix below for details.
TUBE 1 is used for Biochemistry and Flow Cytometry. (Centrifuged in the lab – the supernatant is used for Biochemistry analysis (glucose, protein) and the cellular pellet will be used for flow cytometry if required). If tube 3 is bloodstained, take an aliquot for microbiology.
TUBE 2 is used for Cytology
TUBE 3 is for Microbiological analysis (cell count, Gram stain and culture) and any further infectious testing (e.g. viral PCR, mycobacterial PCR and culture, cryptococcal antigen).
TUBE 4 will be required only for;
(a) Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease (CJD) testing OR
(b) Xanthochromia analysis (wrap the tube in foil to prevent sample deterioration due to light).