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Test & Collection Guide

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Sticky tape test for Pinworm

Ordering information:

Can be added to parasite request. Contact Clinical MIcrobiologist to discuss further if clarification required. 

Alternate names:
Enterobius vermicularis, Pinworm
Specimen types:
Container types:
See InstructionsSee Instructions
Collection Instructions:

During the night, pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis) deposit their eggs in the area around the anus. In this test you will use a cellulose-tape slide to collect a sample that will be examined for the presence of pinworm eggs.

You MUST perform this test directly after you (or the person who you are administering the test to) wake in the morning, and you MUST NOT shower or wipe your anal region before you perform the test

You should wear surgical gloves during this test

Please DO NOT use opaque sticky tape or wrap multiple layers of tape around the slide as both are unsuitable for microscopy.


Using a tongue depressor, loop a short length of stickytape (5cm) over the end with the sticky side OUT. Press the sticky side against the area around the anus to collect sample. Place tape sticky side down on a glass slide, and transport to lab in a slide mailer. If slide/mailer unavailable, place tape in a sterile yellow top container.


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Test & Collection Guide


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