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Test & Collection Guide

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Keyword Search:

Test name:


Manual search:


Ordering information:

Indication: Investigation of hyperphosphataemic rickets/ osteomalacia. Not first line investigation for hyperphosphataemia. Requires approval by Chemical Pathologist. Suggest endocrine consult prior to request.

Alternate names:
Fibroblast Growth Factor 23
Referred Test
Test Code:
Medicare details:
MBS number: N/A
100% MBS price:
Specimen types:
Container types:
Collection Instructions:

Collect on ice, send to lab without delay.

Minimum Adult Volume:
3 mL
Paediatric Minimum Volume:
2 mL
As required
Result Turnaround Time:
3-4 weeks
Laboratory Use Only
Storage Instructions:

Spin, separate and freeze

Add to Chemical Pathologist review list.

Transport Instructions:

Send Frozen

Cannot be added on.

Laboratory Notes:

To Gastroenterology research lab. Details to come.

Pathology Handbook

Test & Collection Guide


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