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Test & Collection Guide

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Drug Screen Qualitative Screen

Ordering information:

Note that this is for clinical, not forensic or legal use. We are not collecting or analysing to the AS/NZ 4308 standard, although we follow its recommendations where possible.

Urine screening for amphetamines, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids, cocaine, opiates and methadone. Will not detect other drugs or poisons.

A positive test will not necessarily distinguish between theraputic and illicit use of drugs.

A negative test does not indicate the abscence of the drugs specifically tested.

Alternate names:
amphetamines, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids, cocaine, Drug Levels, methadone, opiates, UDS, Urine Drug screen
Test Code:
Specimen types:
Container types:
Sterile JarSterile Jar
Collection Instructions:
Transport specimen at Room Temperature to lab
Minimum Adult Volume:
5 mL
Result Turnaround Time:
1 days
Laboratory Use Only
Laboratory Notes:

For samples where GCMS confirmation is requested, please ask clinician to provide separate request, and refer to separate entry in Handbook. please send sample to Alfred Pathology unless otherwise stated.

Please state Urine Drug Screen for GCMS on coversheet.

Seek Senior Biochemistry Scientist/Chemical Pathologist advice if unsure

Pathology Handbook

Test & Collection Guide


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