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Test & Collection Guide

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Ordering information:

This test has replaced Anti Diuretic Hormone (ADH)

This test is not Medicare Rebateable.

Test cost: $50

This test must be approved by the Chemical Pathologist before sending

Alternate names:
ADH, Anti Diuretic Hormone C-Terminal Pro Arginine Vasopressin
Referred Test
Test Code:
Specimen types:
Container types:
Lithium heparin no gel
Serum tube with gel
Collection Instructions:

Morning samples after 8 hour fast (without water restriction) are recommended unless otherwise stated by Clinician.

Samples are to be spun and aliquoted within 24 hours on collection.

Samples to be sent frozen.

Minimum Adult Volume:
1 mL
Paediatric Minimum Volume:
1 mL
Reference Interval:

Non-Water deprived, non-fasting adults:  <16.3 pmol/L

Non-water deprived, fasting (>8hrs) adults:  <15.2 pmol/L

Non-water deprived, non-fasting paediatric subjects:  <14.5 pmol/L

For the investigation of diabetes insipidus (DI) and primary polydipsia (PP) in patients with confimed polyuria (>40 mL/kg/d.*

A baseline Copeptin level >21.4 pmol/L is 100% sensitive and specific for nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

A baseline Copeptin level <2.6 pmol/L with prior fluid deprivation (>8hr) will indicate complete central DI likely

A stimulated Copeptin**  >4.9 pmol/L PP likely and <4.9 pmol/L partial central DI likely (94.0% specificity and 94.4% sensitivity)

*Without concurrent diabetes mellitus, hypercalcemia, pregnancy, uncorrected thyroid or adrenal insufficieny, and heart failure; **at sodium levels >147mmol/L following water deprivation.


Laboratory Use Only
Storage Instructions:

Sample to be spun, aliquoted and frozen.

Enter as BMISC, do not enter ADH

Laboratory Notes:

Morning samples afer 8 hour fast (without water restriction) are recommended unless otherwise stated by clinician. 

Samples are to be sent to

Northern Pathology Victoria

Northern Health

185 Cooper Street

Epping VIC 3076


Pathology Handbook

Test & Collection Guide


Eastern Health Pathology always welcomes the opportunity to improve the service we provide you.